Clinical Medicine

Description: Clinical medicine is a group of medications and medical devices that study human diseases, methods of their diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Development of clinical medicine:

The development of clinical medicine began with the assumption that a person’s morbid state is not limited to one organ, but extends to the entire body. Scientists began to study the symptoms of the disease in detail and carefully manage the medical history.

The success of various branches of natural science, which occurred in the middle of the nineteenth century, in no small measure contributed to the development of clinical medicine. At the same time, the first clinical analyzes appeared, which became more informative and complete with the development of biological chemistry. The physical methods of researching the patient were tapping, listening.

Directions of clinical medicine:

In the second half of the 19th century, new branches of medicine, such as pediatrics, obstetrics, pediatrics, neuropathology, have been developed, thanks to advances in the study of the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. At the end of the XIX century, some surgical disciplines appeared, such as urology, orthopedics, traumatology, neurosurgery, oncology, etc.

Today the directions of clinical medicine cover all aspects of human life, and medical practice has acquired a strict specialization. Nevertheless, sometimes a large number of specialists cause confusion. Clinical medicine studies the basic information on major diseases and clinical areas, as well as diagnosis of diseases. Of course, you do not in any way should engage in self-treatment. Only a doctor can apply this medicine correctly (mostly in the hospital).

Clinical medicine involves a number of wide-profile and narrow-profile directions, including therapeutic, cardiological, pulmonological, gastroenterological, nephrological, oncological, surgical, thoracic, vascular, traumatological, pediatric, obstetrical and gynecological, etc. Each of them has a specific therapeutic and diagnostic purpose. They all are traditionally engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases.

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