V-Tight Gel

Description: V-Tight gel is a natural preparation with the goal of improving women’s self-confidence, sexual relations and daily life. V-Tight Gel tightens the vagina, reverse the loss of elasticity due to childbirth, hormonal changes, and natural aging.

V-Tight gel is a much more natural solution to the intimate problem. Over years, this product has gained popularity and become the “number one vaginal tightening cream.” on the market.

Active ingredients: V-Tight Gel contains only natural ingredients. Its active ingredient, Manjakani Extract is a rejuvenating herb found in Northern Thailand that is dried and powdered when cultivated. This herb that has been used for centuries to regain youthfulness of skin in Thai medicine. Manjakani Extract has been compounded into a thin glycerin-based solution that later could be used for a tightening effect of the vagina. Manjakani Extract is certainly the key ingredient in this preparation that makes it act so well. The gel won’t be so effective without it. The important point is that all ingredients are natural and safe for use in such sensitive areas of the vagina. Additional ingredients are also herb extracts well tested over time.

How V-Tight Gel works:

  • Promotes natural and painless narrowing of the walls of the vagina in a relatively short period of time;
  • Restores and maintains the optimal shape of the vaginal walls;
  • Prevents vaginal dryness, improving the quality of lubrication;
  • Provides a woman with a sense of youth, gives energy and strength for sex with a beloved man;
  • Helps to get more pleasure from sex, increasing the number and quality of orgasms;
  • Makes sex life more diverse and interesting.

Also, V-Tight Gel has additional properties:

  • Preserves the harmony of the female figure;
  • Increases muscle tone;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the woman’s monthly cycle.

Those who have experienced the effect of the gel know that this is a unique preparation that really does what it is intended for. Numerous tests and clinical studies have shown that V-Tight Gel is completely safe for women’s health and can be used every 15-20 minutes before the sexual intercourse.

Application: To achieve the maximum possible result, you must follow certain rules:

  • You should open the package and squeeze the right amount of gel onto your finger;
  • The drug is applied to the walls of the vagina with neat movements;
  • The gel should be applied 15-20 minutes before sex or applied 2 times a day for prevention of dryness;
  • Start using the cream with small doses. If the result is positive after every procedure, you should continue applying the product in the same quantities. If the effect is not good enough, you can increase the dosage.

Side effects: There is no need to worry about side effects as V-Tight Gel contains natural ingredients only.

Storage: store in a dry place, not accessible to children.

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