A sterile aqueous solution of soluble salts of the volatile bases from Sarraceniaceae (Pitcher Plant). Benzyl Alcohol 0.75%.
The painful syndromes most commonly encountered in general practice which are relieved by SARAPIN® treatment are as follows:
- Sciatic Pain;
- Intercostal Neuralgia;
- Alcoholic Neuritis;
- Occipital Neuritis;
- Brachial Plexus Neuralgia;
- Meralgia Paresthetica;
- Lumbar Neuralgia;
- Trigeminal Neuralgia.
These and allied conditions may be treated with success in a majority of cases by nerve block or local infiltration:
- Paravertebral – Careful localization of the zone of tenderness permits a determination of the corresponding trunk levels to be injected.
- Perineural – In some instances, as in sciatica, the affected nerve can be injected at a site distant from its origin.
- Local Infiltration – Multiple injections throughout an area of tenderness provide for diffusion into all the affected parts.
Dosage And Administration:
Paravertebral Injections
- Cervical – 2-3 ml
- Dorsal – 5-10 ml
- Lumbar – 5-10 ml
- Sacral – 3-5 ml
- Caudal Canal – 10 ml
- Sciatic Nerve – 10 ml
- Local Infiltration – 5-10 ml
Manufacturers’ Warnings In Clinical States:
Withdraw plunger of syringe to make sure the needle point is not in a blood vessel.
Procedure should be gentle and unhurried.
SARAPIN® is intended only for professional use. Its successful employment depends upon a thorough knowledge of the anatomy involved.
Adverse Reactions:
Patients should be maintained in a recumbent position for 10 to 15 minutes following injection. A local sensation is to be expected, limited to the distribution of the nerve injected, and usually appearing as a temporary feeling of heaviness, although some cases will feel heat or a transitory aggravation of symptoms.
SARAPIN® is non-toxic, has no side effects other than above and is contraindicated only in areas of infection.
50 ml Multiple Dose Vial.
CAUTION: Federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription.
3901-A Nebraska Street
Levittown, PA 19056-3333
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