
General Information


Creatine is a specific acid, mainly found in meat products. The very word creatine originated from French. The concentration of creatine in meat is achieved due to inextricable linkage of this acid with all the energy processes in muscle cells. The main and only goal of creatine is to improve physical functioning of muscle tissue, which is why it is contained only in products of animal origin.


  • muscular dystrophies;
  • sclerosis;
  • Parkinson diseases.


Despite the fact that creatine is used even as a medicine (for example, in cases of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases) so that its very large dosages can be dangerous. However, dangerous dosages start with a mark of 50 grams of creatine every day. As negative consequences, it is possible to distinguish, first of all, hypoglycemia and lactic acidosis (sharp increase in lactic acid level in blood).

It is also not recommended to take creatine in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy. In this period, women have many restrictions on nutrition. Sports supplements are no exception. Pregnant women are not allowed to take creatine, because it can adversely affect fetus development. First of all, harm can be done to future child kidneys and liver, risk of premature birth, miscarriage and complications in process of childbirth also increases dramatically. In addition, during pregnancy, creatine practically does not have any positive effect on female body during exercise.
  • Kidney diseases. Kidneys, like liver, transmit a lot of what we take. Creatine is not recommended for people with kidney disease. At the moment, there is no exact and unequivocal research proving damage to kidneys when taking creatine. However, many doctors do not recommend taking creatine substance in these diseases. There is a reason to believe that creatine worsens work of kidneys, contributes to development of their diseases, formation of kidney stones.
  • Diabetes. As in the case of kidney diseases, creatine can worsen course of this ailment. Creatine is contraindicated in diabetic patients. Participating in many energy processes, creatine can create a deficiency of glucose in blood. For an average person, this is not a problem, but in the case of diabetes it can have serious consequences. However, there are examples of successful intake of creatine even with diabetes. However, such a method should be conducted with constant monitoring of blood sugar.

American scientists have conducted a series of experiments on rats and mice in order to determine potentially harmful effect of creatine. During 104 and 91 weeks rats and mice were given 900 mg of creatine per kg of their weight (for mice) and 1500 mg / kg of their weight (for rats) daily. These dosages are about 4 times higher than recommended dosages for people. At the end of the study, neither mice nor rats were found to develop any pathologies. In a separate case, there was an increase in number of benign polyps. No mutation processes have been identified, fertility has remained at the same level.


Cases of creatine incompatibility with any drugs or medications have not been identified. Creatine is compatible with almost any sports supplements and preparations. However, it is recommended to closely monitor the composition of consumed products, because Creatine is one of a very many products.
Creatine is compatible with the vast majority of medications. Considering that creatine is completely non-toxic, its reception is quite possible during periods of treatment, including – antibiotics. Antibiotics have no effect on creatine and its effectiveness.

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