
General Information

Common name: Common chicory, chicory

Scientific term: Cichorium intybus

Description: Chicory is a perennial herbaceous plant of the dandelion family Asteraceae, which is often used a substitute for coffee since it has no caffeine and has a smooth roasted flavor.

Composition: Chicory contains insulin polysaccharide (9-11%), protein substances, thiamine,
riboflavin or vitamin B2, ascorbic acid, carotene.


Chicory normalizes the metabolism in the body, removes all toxins from the body, cleanses the kidneys, helps improve the condition of diabetic patients. In addition, it is used to improve blood composition. Chicory excites appetite, improves the activity of the intestines, and is also an excellent remedy for heartburn. Chicory increases the overall tone of the body, it is used instead of coffee beans. Chicory cleanses the vessels and relieves fatigue.

Chicory has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is used as an antipyretic agent for colds and other diseases.

Chicory is widely used to treat many diseases. It has a high content of various trace elements, which have immunostimulating properties. In addition, regular use of chicory prevents the growth of pathogens and enhances metabolism in the human body. Due to its unique chemical composition, this plant can boast of choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, mild calming and wound-healing effect.

Chicory reduces blood glucose levels, normalizes the function of the pancreas, and also enhances cardiac activity. Quite often, chicory is used as an antimicrobial and astringent. Along with this, it is endowed with anti-inflammatory, soothing, antipyretic and vasodilating properties. This is the best drink for diabetics, since chicory can replace both sugar and starch. Chicory in most cases is indicated in many gastrointestinal problems. It also has a general strengthening effect on the human immune mechanisms. This plant heals wounds and eczema, and also has a weak antitumor effect.


Unfortunately, some people can not take Chicory. These are people with chronic diseases or impaired functions of the body. A soluble drink from chicory can not be consumed with the following diseases:

  • asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • vascular disease;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • violation of the heart, heart muscle;
  • disruption of the gallbladder.

If you notice that your palpitations become more frequent, you feel weak, dizzy or nauseous after using chicory, consult a doctor and exclude this drink from your diet –
probably, you have contraindications to its use. But negative effects of chicory on the human body are practically unknown.

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