General Information
Calophyllum lanigerum is an evergreen brushwood or tree growing from 2 – 38 metres tall. The bole, which is usually without root spurs, is up to 81 cm in diameter. The tree is harvested from the wild for its timber. Calanolide A is produced from Calophyllum lanigerum var austrocoriaceum, an exceedingly rare representative of the Guttiferae or mangosteen family. Samples of Calophyllum Lanigerum var austrocoriaceum were first found in 1987 on an NCI-sponsored expedition trip in Sarawak, Malaysia on the island of Borneo. Once it was identified that Calophyllum lanigerum var austrocoriaceum may be applied activity in HIV treatment, researchers returned to the original kerangas forest near Lundu (Sarawak, Malaysia) to gather more plant matter for getting the active compound.
Calanolide A is applied for HIV treatment.
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