General Information:
Description: Boldo is an evergreen plant growing in dry places of the Chilean state. It can be a tree or shrub. The maximum height is 6.0 meters. The greatest value in terms of medicinal preparations is its leaves, the sizes of which can reach 5×6 cm.
Boldo plant contains ascaridol, eucalyptol and cymol, various alkaloids (larvae and others), a few flavonoids, essential oils containing eugenol, limonene and cumene are found in large quantities. The bark of the plant contains a large number of tannins.
Pharmacological properties:
- Boldo and other alkaloids stimulate the formation of gastric juice and bile, enhance the excretion of urine and uric acid, thereby alleviating the condition in diseases of the gallbladder, stomach, intestines, and kidneys and urinary tract. Boldo also has antitussive activity;
- Thanks to the ascaridol, which is a part of the plant, Boldo is used as a helminthic agent;
- Boldo also stimulates the secretion of saliva and increases appetite, so the plant is very useful for those people who suffer from anorexia;
- Boldo tea helps to cope with insomnia and sleep disorders. The essential oils contained in the plant have a calming effect on the nervous system. Boldo decoction reduces anxiety, nervousness and has an easy hypnotic effect.
- Thanks to a calming and sedative effect, the leaves are very effective for severe headaches. They also relieve tension in muscles due to anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant action.
Uses in natural medicine:
- Boldo infusions are used in folk medicine for diseases of the intestines, stomach, gall bladder, urinary tract and kidney;
- Decoction of leaves is used to restore normal kidney function and to improve digestion. It has a slight laxative effect and is ideal for those who suffer from flatulence and intestinal colic. Also, the decoction of the leaves is effective for severe headaches;
- In Chile, folk healers use Boldo as a helminth drug;
- Often, Boldo leaves are prescribed as a mild sedative;
- It is also added to tea as an immunostimulating agent, especially it is recommended for those who suffer from seasonal colds;
- The plant can eliminate bad breath;
- Compress of fresh leaves promotes the healing of ligaments during sprains, dislocations, pain in the neck.
Adverse reactions:
The use of Boldo tea in large amounts is unacceptable: it can cause visual and auditory hallucinations, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. When these effects occur, you should either reduce the dose or concentration of the plant used, or to stop using Boldo plant.
The only contraindications are intolerance or overdose of plant substances due to the saturation of the brain with essential oils, which are used as an anesthetic. As soon as the first “signals” of overdose appeared, you should stop using the plant and find alternative options.
Any independent treatment should be short-term – not more than four weeks, and not exceed recommended doses.
Posted by RxMed