
General Information:

Description: Astragalus is a perennial herbaceous plant of the legume family. Its main forms are herbs, half-shrubs, less often bushes with numerous shortened stems. The leaves are oblong, non-paranoid, consist of 10-16 pairs of lanceolate leaves, as in acacia. The root of the astragalus is multi-headed, its stem is dense.

Pharmacological properties:

Medicinal properties of Astragalus is determined by its unique chemical composition and harmonious ratio of the nutrients contained in this plant. Herb infusion of Astragalus has a diuretic, hypotensive, soothing and sedative effect. Improves heart function, expands cardiac vessels and kidney vessels. Infusion produces a positive effect on the course of hypertension, lowers blood pressure, so it is often used to treat early forms of hypertension, circulatory insufficiency I and II degrees, and acute glomerulonephritis. Astragalus has a beneficial effect on the heart, dilates the coronary vessels and vessels of the kidneys, intensifies diuresis. With topical application, infusion from the grass of Astragalus has a wound healing effect.

Astragalus herb contains flavonoids – quercetin, kaempferol, izoramnetin, astragalozoid, nartsissin; vitamins A, B, C, E, tannins, organic acids, coumarins, essential oil, triterpene compounds – glycyrrhizin, daziantobiozid, steroids, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, silicon, manganese and other minerals, and may also accumulate selenium. Juice of Astragalus herb contains bassorin – 60-70%, arabino – 8-10%, triterpene saponins, mucous substances, pigments.


Astragalus contains the most important groups of BAS:

  • polysaccharides – play the role of immunostimulants;
  • organic acids – help the process of digestion, prevent the development of putrefactive processes;
  • flavonoids – absorb ultraviolet and fight cancer;
  • tannins, rutin – strengthen the walls of vessels, clean them, and also possess bactericidal properties;
  • vitamins C, E;
  • essential oils, which have anti-inflammatory, sedative and antimicrobial effects.

In addition, Astragalus grass and roots contain the following vitamins and trace elements: Vitamin A; Vitamin E; Vitamin C; Selenium; Iron; Calcium; Aluminum; Zinc; Copper; Cobalt; Silicon; Magnesium; Manganese; Molybdenum; Chromium; Vanadium; Phosphorus; Sodium.

Astragalus provides tonic, hypotensive, sedative, hemostatic, diuretic, diaphoretic action dilates blood vessels, thereby improving blood circulation. Astragalus is used as a laxative and expectorant; as well as with dermatitis, scrofula, STD and rheumatism.

Contraindications and adverse reactions:

Despite the wide range of positive effects on the human body, Astragalus can not be used for acute and chronic kidney disease, accompanied by edema, with individual intolerance, chronic heart disease, as well as in children under 3. Before using Astragalus, a doctor’s advice is required.

Healing properties of Astragalus:

Astragalus root and grass have the following therapeutic effects:

  • Immunostimulating;
  • Cardiotonic;
  • Hepatoprotective;
  • Antidiabetic;
  • Antineoplastic;
  • Antiviral;
  • Hypotonic;
  • Calming;
  • Diuretic;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Vasculature;
  • Hemostatic;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Anti-aging.

Anti-aging effect of Astragalus is to slow the aging process and increase vitality. This effect is confirmed by modern research, therefore Astragalus is quite appropriate to use as a means to slow down aging and maintain the human body in good shape.

The soothing effect of the plant is combined with the antidepressant effect, thanks to which Astragalus infusions and broths normalize the general mental state of a person and perfectly tone up, relieving blues, depression, anxiety.

Cardiotonic action of Astragalus is aimed at dilatimng blood vessels of the heart and kidneys, and increasing urination, thereby, improve nutrition and oxygen supply, and myocardial contractility. Such properties have a positive effect on the condition and functional activity of the heart

The vasodilating effect of Astragalus reduces blood pressure and improves microcirculation in all organs and tissues, including cerebral circulation. This effect improves the supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients, so that the person gets rid of headaches and dizziness. The effect of improving tissue nutrition and the microelement of selenium, which is part of Astragalus, is used in the treatment of muscular dystrophies and Alzheimer’s disease.

The antitumor effect of Astragalus is due to the presence of isoflavone, which suppresses the growth of cancer cells. In addition, Astragalus removes from the blood excess nitrogen compounds (urea, creatinine, etc.), acting like a well-known drug Lespenefril.

The antibacterial effect of Astragalus has a devastating influence on a number of pathogenic bacteria, such as Shigella, beta-hemolytic streptococci, Corynebacterium diphtheritic, diplococci, Staphylococcus aureus, Toxoplasma, Trichomonas, amoeba. In addition, Astragalus has a direct antiviral effect, suppressing the development of Coxsackie viruses and adenoviruses.

Due to the normalization of the coagulating and anticoagulant systems, Astragal optimizes the coagulability of the blood, that is enhances or weakens it. Thus, Astragalus stops internal bleeding and simultaneously prevents thrombosis and thromboembolism.

In addition, Astragalus is a very effective remedy for the treatment of colds. Also, the plant increases endurance and allows a person to tolerate high mental and physical loads, being in good shape and not exhausting.

Uses of Astragalus grass:

Astragalus is used for the following diseases and conditions: Asthenia; Anemia; Diabetes; Bronchial asthma; Acute respiratory diseases (ARI, ARVI, colds, flu, etc.); Eczema; Psoriasis; Burns; Articular rheumatism; Arthritis; Muscular dystrophy; Prolapse of the uterus; Pneumonia; The initial stages of hypertension; Chronic cardiovascular failure; Heart diseases; Angina pectoris; Cardiac ischemia; Acute and chronic nephritis; Edema of the brain; Diseases of the liver; Stomach ulcer; Neuroses; Wounds on the skin and epithelium; Malignant tumors, including leukemia.

Uses of Astragalus root:

The root of Astragalus membranous is used in the following diseases and conditions: Strokes; Infarcts; Thrombophlebitis; Bleeding and a tendency to bleeding; Hypertonic disease; Cardiovascular diseases (IHD, heart defects, arrhythmia, etc.); Viral myocarditis; Diabetes; Atherosclerosis; Diseases of the liver; Impotence; Asthenia (loss of strength); Night sweats; Tuberculosis; Chronical bronchitis; Colds; Edema; Ascites; Bleeding; Arthritis; Metabolic disease; Digestive disorders; Malaria; Sensitivity disorders of the limbs; Diarrhea; Nephritis and diabetic nephropathy; Diseases of the stomach; Malignant neoplasms; Leprosy; Infected wounds; Furunculosis; Abscesses and pyoderma; Pigmented spots, dryness and flaky skin; Diseases of the digestive tract.

Ready-made pharmaceutical forms and preparations containing Astragalus:

The pharmaceutical market offers drugs, containing Astragalus powder as an active substance, which is used for kidney diseases. This drugs are standardized, registered, tested and officially approved.

In addition, the market offers herbal dietary supplements for weight loss (biologically active additives), including Astragalus syrup, a water-alcohol extract and capsules containing an Astragalus extract of membranous.

Astragalus tablets should be used only on indications. An extract and syrup is recommended for prophylaxis, or for the treatment of non-severe pathological conditions (for example, colds, fatigue, high mental or physical stress), or as part of complex therapy of severe diseases. In severe cases, Astragalus extract and syrup should be used only as an adjunct to the main therapy, prescribed by the doctor.

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