
General Information


Anise is one of the oldest spices that has grown cultivated. In Ancient Rome Anise was already very widely used. The Romans ate a special cake that helped digest and prevent abdominal distention. This cake was cooked with laurel leaves, and obligatory component was anise. For good dreams and improving the air, this plant, anise, was used as decoration of badrooms.

Anise Ingredients

The chemical Anise ingredients is unique and interesting, which affects its useful properties.

Four to twenty-three percent of vegetable fat includes Anise seeds. Carbohydrates, eighteen percent protein, sugar, furfural, chlorogenic, coffee and healthy fatty acids include up to three percent.

About three percent of essential oil seeds contain. Under the most favorable circumstances, this indicator can reach up to six percent. Anise essential oil contains:

  • up to 90% anethole giving a characteristic aroma;
  • 10% methylhavicol;
  • anisic ketone;
  • anisaldehyde;
  • anisic acid.

Anise Benefits and Properties:

Anise is valuable precisely for its seeds or fruits. They become a part of medicinal tinctures, decoctions and infusions, which have antipyretic, antispasmodic, diuretic and diaphoretic properties.

Anise fruits have a bactericidal and expectorant effect, therefore, are useful for coughing, bronchitis, respiratory catarrh.

On secretory and motor functions of digestion Anise plants have a stimulating effect, therefore they are useful in gastrointestinal tract diseases.

Anise is often added to medications in order to improve their taste.

Proceeding from the useful properties of Anise, it is shown that it can be used for:

  • coughing;
  • bronchial spasms;
  • asthma;
  • increased excitability of cardiovascular system;
  • dizziness;
  • migraine;
  • flatulence;
  • children’s colic;
  • frigidity;
  • sexual impotence;
  • decreased urinary excretion.

Problems of genitourinary system, especially various inflammatory processes provoked by microbes, are effectively treated with Anise seeds infusion. When painful menstruation Anise infusion also helps. Anise has been used for a long time to improve lactation. With problems of gastrointestinal tract, nausea and flatulence, various pharmaceuticals with Anise composition are applied.

Anise Dosage:

Anise infusion is a classic cough remedy. One teaspoon of crushed anise seeds should be poured with a glass of boiling water. The same agent perfectly helps with inflammation of gums and nasopharynx, bad breath, flatulence. Anise seeds can be brewed. Such a drink, except for the above described action, perfectly strengthens nerves. In Aniseed tea, you can also add cumin and (or) fennel.

Alcohol tincture of Anise is prepared as follows. Anise seeds are poured with seventy-degree alcohol. It is insisted for a week, after which it is filtered. It is taken up to 10 times a day for 10-15 drops orally.

Contraindications to Anise Use:

When being pregnant, you can not take Anise. Also, a contraindication is any chronic disease of gastrointestinal tract. Anise should be taken for short periods of time, at the appropriate dosages. Then this method will be safe.

Treatment with Anise:

Anise plants have a fresh light aroma, they are often used for purpose of aromatherapy. Also, fruits are added to tea and medications for flavoring. Fruits of Anise are popular in bakery and candy manufacture.

In traditional medicine, Anise fruits are extremely popular. Infusions of fruits have antispasmodic, expectorant, diuretic properties, a little less strong diuretic and antimicrobial.

Apply fruits of Anise in treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma and tracheitis. In gynecology, the agent is used to stimulate labor. There are also special fees, which include fruits of Anise, which improves appetite. Fruits of Anise reduce manifestation of flatulence and pain in intestines, which are associated with intake of laxatives, after administration in patients digestion improves and motor and secretory function of stomach normalizes. Fruits of Anise are used for treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis.

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