
General Information

Application: Dietary supplement

Description: Cinnamon is a dried cinnamon tree bark. When bark strips dry up their curl into tubes. These cinnamon sticks are milled to a state of flour or used to make mulled wine, meat and poultry dishes.


Cinnamon is rich in potassium, manganese, iron, copper, selenium and zinc, vitamins of group A, B1, B2, B9, C, E, K. Antioxidant polyphenol MHFS affects insulin receptors and lowers blood sugar, therefore doctors recommend to eat cinnamon to patients with type 2 diabetes.

Madical use

  • Cinnamon has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. It contains eugenol, which kills germs.
  • It stimulates protective functions of the body, strengthens immune system.
  • It is a natural antioxidant.
  • Cinnamon reduces glucose level in blood.
  • Cinnamon favorably affects process of digestion and prevents accumulation of fat, turning incoming into the body glucose into energy.
  • It xpands blood vessels, activates work of the brain.

Cinnamon for diabetes

Cinnamon is useful for diabetics. It helps reduce blood sugar. In the fight against diabetes, you can use the following recipe: every day in the morning, eat half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

Cinnamon for diseases of stomach and intestines

Cinnamon is recommended for various gastrointestinal diseases. It would seem that it is a paradox that it is a spice, but it speeds up healing process of ulcers, lowers acidity and even reduces pain in stomach. In addition, cinnamon can clean intestines from germs and bacteria that slow down normal digestion. It will remove inflation and eliminate griping pains.

Cinnamon as natural antiseptic

Cinnamon is an excellent natural antiseptic. The whole secret is in eugenol contained in the oil. It acts not only disinfectant, but also reduces pain. Cinnamon can be put on a wound or cut, and they will heal more quickly. By the way, such troubles as fungus, eczema and other skin diseases can also be treated with cinnamon.

Cinnamon for immunity

Cinnamon is used also as strengthening of immunity. Traditional, proven and popular recipe is cinnamon with honey. A delicious recipe is simple: use table spoon of honey mixed with a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon three times a day.

Cinnamon for cardiovascular system

This aromatic spice is also useful for cardiac patients. Cinnamon helps to lower cholesterol level in blood. Prevents risk of heart attack, blood stroke, atherosclerosis. It has good effect on cardiovascular system, activates work of brain, improves concentration, dilates blood vessels and tones.

Cinnamon for colds

Cinnamon helps at colds. Three times a day, use a tablespoon of honey and a half teaspoon of cinnamon. Such a recipe will ease cough, improve separation of sputum and help to get rid of common cold.

Cinnamon for weight loss

And of course cinnamon is quite effectively used as a product for weight loss. First, as mentioned above, it eliminates problems with digestion. Secondly, it promotes correct processing of glucose – that is, turning it not into fat, but into energy. And third, cinnamon gives feeling of satiety, which is also important in the matter of harmony.

More benefits of Cinnamon

  • For children, especially schoolchildren, cinnamon can bring invaluable benefits. Two or three pinches of this spice per day can positively affect concentration of attention, strengthen eyesight. Cinnamon favorably affects memory, and also prevents rapid fatigue. Resistance of child’s organism to viral and bacterial diseases will increase noticeably.
  • To women cinnamon helps to relieve menstrual pain, improve tone of the body at these days, and remove irritability. With regular intake of this spice, menstrual cycle is harmonized, sexuality is markedly increased. Representatives of the strong half of humanity will also be able to appreciate properties of cinnamon, because it has not only stimulating effect, awakening sexual desire, but also positively affects quality of potency. Aroma of cinnamon can significantly increase susceptibility of erogenous zones and intensify work of sex glands.
  • For elderly people who have noticeable age-related changes in arteries and veins, it is useful to use cinnamon to prevent heart attack. This spice reduces level of cholesterol, prevents formation of blood clots. Also, regular cooking with this spice can strengthen heart muscle, normalize blood pressure. Cinnamon is effective at arthritis, including chronic – pain disappears and movements become easier. At various memory disorders, sclerosis, insomnia and depression, cinnamon will have positive effect.
  • Cinnamon will help ease condition with flu and colds. Warm drinks with cinnamon will ease headache, increase sweating, facilitate breathing, help to remove swelling of nasal mucosa. General tone of the body will increase significantly, weakness will disappear, immunity will receive considerable support. In addition, cinnamon treats chronic cough and severe sore throat. Many people use this spice for toothaches, even at pulpitis.


As with any other, even the most useful product, it is important not to overdo it with cinnamon. Half a spoonful a day can hardly hurt anyone, but with more serious doses one needs caution.

  • people who suffer from stomach ulcer and have increased intestinal sensitivity should take cinnamon in limited quantities;
  • those who have sick heart and high blood pressure are not recommended frequent and large quantities of cinnamon. The spice increases heart rate and tends to increase blood pressure;
  • cinnamon can not be taken during pregnancy and lactation. The spice causes contraction of uterus and can provoke miscarriage;
  • children under 3 years old are contraindicated cinnamon.

Drug interactions

Cinnamon should not be taken during treatment with medicines. The spice has natural properties of antibiotic and interacting with the medicine modifies it.


  • Do not use cinnamon at high temperature. Remember this, when fighting colds with any recipes that include cinnamon. Otherwise, the spice will cause strong headache.
  • It is not recommended to use cinnamon at bleeding of various kinds, as it activates blood circulation.
  • Be careful with the use of cinnamon in masks. First, it is better to test any remedy for possible irritation. Because the individual intolerance to cinnamon also has a place to be.


  • Cinnamon contains substance called “coumarin” (Ceylon cinnamon contains very little of it, Chinese – much more). This substance can cause headache and have adverse effect on liver function if you take cinnamon in large quantities.
  • In some cases, consumption of cinnamon in large quantities can lead to increased nervous excitability.


Cinnamon should be stored in a glass container, tightly closed and preferably away from light and moisture.

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