Hydroxypropyl Cellulose
Ophthalmic Insert
Indications And Clinical Uses: In patients with moderate to severe dry eye syndromes, including keratoconjunctivitis sicca, especially in patients who remain symptomatic after an adequate trial of therapy with artificial tear solutions. Exposure keratitis. Decreased corneal sensitivity.
Contra-Indications: Hypersensitivity to hydroxypropyl cellulose.
Precautions: Instructions for inserting and removing Lacrisert should be carefully followed.
Occupational Hazards: Because this product may produce transient blurring of vision, patients should be instructed to exercise caution when operating hazardous machinery or driving a motor vehicle.
Adverse Reactions: The following adverse reactions have been reported in patients treated with Lacrisert, but were in most instances mild and transient: transient blurring of vision (see Precautions), ocular discomfort or irritation, matting or stickiness of eyelashes, photophobia, hypersensitivity, edema of the eyelids, hyperemia, tearing.
Dosage And Administration: One Lacrisert ophthalmic insert in each eye once daily is usually sufficient to relieve the symptoms associated with moderate to severe dry eye syndromes. Individual patients may require more flexibility in the use of Lacrisert, some patients may require twice daily use for optimal results.
In some patients, the concomitant administration of a replacement tear solution at the time of insertion may be of benefit. Clinical experience with Lacrisert indicates that in some patients several weeks may be required before satisfactory improvement of symptoms is achieved.
Lacrisert is inserted into the inferior cul-de-sac of the eye beneath the base of the tarsus.
Note: Occasionally Lacrisert is inadvertently expelled from the eye, especially in patients with shallow conjunctival fornices or when the eye is rubbed. The patient should be cautioned against rubbing the eye(s) containing Lacrisert, especially upon awakening, so as to not dislodge or expel the insert. If required, another Lacrisert ophthalmic insert may be inserted. If experience indicates that transient blurred vision develops in an individual patient, the patient may want to remove Lacrisert a few hours after insertion to avoid this. Another Lacrisert ophthalmic insert may be inserted if needed.
If Lacrisert causes worsening of symptoms, the patient should be instructed to inspect the conjunctival sac to make certain Lacrisert is in the proper location, deep in the inferior cul-de-sac of the eye, beneath the base of the tarsus. If these symptoms persist, Lacrisert should be removed and the patient should contact the practitioner.
Availability And Storage: A rod-shaped, water-soluble, ophthalmic preparation made of hydroxypropyl cellulose, 5 mg. It contains no preservatives or other ingredients. Packages of 60 units, together with illustrated instructions and a special applicator for removing Lacrisert from the unit dose blister and inserting it into the eye. A spare applicator is included in each package.
Illustrated instructions are included in each package, but initially patients must be instructed in the correct method of insertion. While in the ophthalmologist’s office, the patient should read the instructions, then practise insertions and removal of Lacrisert until proficiency is achieved. (Shown in Product Recognition Section)
LACRISERT® MSD Hydroxypropyl Cellulose Ophthalmic Insert
Posted by RxMed