
General Illness Information

Common Name:


Medical Term: None Specified.

Description: Inflammation or infection of the cervix. There are two types, and either may be contagious: acute cervicitis, which is usually a bacterial or viral infection with specific symptoms and chronic cervicitis, which is a long-term infection that may not have symptoms.

Causes: The organism Chlamidia trachomatis most commonly causes acute cervicitis. Other causes are: Neisseria Gonorrhea and Herpes Virus. Chronic cervicitis is caused by recurrent episodes of acute cervicitis, or an infection that is not treated long enough to heal completely.


  • Have an annual pelvic examination and Pap smear.
  • Wear cotton underpants or pantyhose with a cotton crotch.
  • Avoid underpants made from non-ventilating materials.
  • Synthetic materials hold in vaginal wetness and warmth, which may trigger vaginal or cervical infections.
  • Have your sexual partner use condoms. If cervicitis is caused by a sexually transmitted infection, then your sexual partner needs treatment too.

Signs & Symptoms

Acute cervicitis:

  • Thick, yellow vaginal discharge.

Chronic cervicits:

  • Slight sometimes-unnoticeable vaginal discharge.
  • Backache.
  • Discomfort with urination.
  • Discomfort with sexual intercourse.

Extensive chronic cervicitis:

  • Profuse vaginal discharge.
  • Bleeding between menstrual periods.
  • Spotting or bleeding after sexual intercourse.

Risk Factors

  • Multiple sexual partners.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Acute or recurrent vaginitis.

Diagnosis & Treatment

General Measures:

  • Diagnostic tests may include a culture of the cervical discharge and laboratory blood studies.
  • Avoid tampons during treatment.
  • Treatment involves destruction of abnormal cells with cryosurgery (destruction of abnormal tissue by applying freezing temperatures, usually with liquid nitrogen); or electrocautery (destruction of tissue by heat applied with a controlled electric current), or laser treatment.
  • Surgery (hysterectomy) for widespread tissue destruction (rare), if not responding to above treatment.


  • Oral antibiotics if bacterial cervicitis is diagnosed.
  • Antiviral or antibiotic vaginal creams or suppositories to fight infection may also be prescribed.


No sexual relations until the infection is healed.


No special diet.

Possible Complications :

  • Cervical polyps (rarely cervical cancer).
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease.


Mild cervicitis may require no treatment. Acute cervictis caused by venereal disease is transmitted through sexual intercourse and is curable with appropriate treatment. Most other cases of cervicitis can be cured with treatment. All women with cervicitis need regular checkups until the condition heals.


Nothing specified.

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